Conflict Game - 1964 - Parker Brothers - Great Condition

Mandi's Attic Toys


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Conflict Game - Complete - Great Condition
by Parker Brothes
Category:  Board Games
Genre:  Family Game
Year:  1964
2-4 Players
30 Min Playing Time
Ages:  10+
    In Conflict, players move various military miniatures around a symmetrical game board in an attempt to either invade the home space of an opponent or capture all of his/her units.

This game has a game board, two d6, a set of rules and 48 miniatures. The miniatures are divided into sets for each colour, consisting of 2 airplanes, 4 artillery, 5 battleships and 1 anti-aircraft gun.

Players start the game in their own corner with 8 miniatures. The 4 remaining miniatures are placed in a reserve. The dice are rolled and the player must move two of his/her pieces a number of spaces as indicated on the dice. Pieces can be moved in any direction but are limited in where they can move based on the particular unit. Battleships must move on water, artillery and anti-aircraft must move on land while airplanes can move on either. Rolling doubles permits an extra turn while rolling a seven gains another unit from the reserve. Pieces are captured by moving over them and a "home" space is captured by exact roll.

The game ends when a player has captured all of the opponent's pieces or captures all of the home spaces.

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