Cooks Tours: European Travel Game - 1972 - Selchow & Righter - Great Condition

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Cooks Tours: European Travel Game - Complete - Great Condition
by Selchow & Righter
Category:  Board Games
Genre:  Family Board Game
Year:  1972
2-4 Players
60 Min Playing Time
Ages:  9+
     Trivia game about European travel.
It's a very simple roll and move game. You travel on the board from start and visit the different countries by spinning the spinner from 1-6. When you get to the capital city you answer a question (from the question booklet) for points. You and the rest of the players then can take a side trip into the country with the objective of hitting the side trip cities first. The first one to get to the side trip city gets a souvenir card. Then it's to the next country and the next one all the way back to the starting point. At the end of the game the player with the most points and souvenir card points win.