Criss Cross Game - 1972 - Ideal - Great Condition
Criss Cross Game - Complete - Great Condition
by Ideal
Category: Board Games
Genre: Family Board Game
Year: 1972
2 Players
15 Min Playing Time
Ages: 7+
Opponents roll balls down one of two tracks on the plastic gameboard, depending on whether they are the 'offense' or 'defense' for that particular play. One track is straight; the other meanders in progressively diminishing arcs. There are catching depressions where the tracks intersect, each worth a different score if the meandering balls are knocked off the track by the defense. Two balls are launched down the meandering track; the defender is allotted four balls to prevent these from reaching their intended destination.
A default 15 points are awarded to the offense for each ball that successfully reaches the end of the meandering track. Points are scored by the defending player for each ball of the offense that FAILS to reach the end of its path, according to the amount on the depression that the ball rests in.
After each play opponents swap roles.
The first player to accumulate 300 points is the winner.