Fangface Game - 1979 - Parker Brothers - Great Condition
Fangface Game - Complete - Great Condition
by Parker Brothers
Category: Board Games
Genre: Family Board Game
Year: 1979
2-4 Players
20 Min Playing Time
Ages: 6+
Fangface is a roll and move game, with simple interactive elements, based on the cartoon series of the same name.
Players spin a spinner in order to move around the board. Some squares are safe while others cause you to move back. The most common square on the board is "throw fingers" where two players randomly put out a number of fingers. If the total is odd, the active player moves back while if it is even, he/she stays on the square. There is also an element where you must guess in which hand a player is holding a token. During the game, a special "moon card" can be used on a player to move them back on the board to a specific square.
The first player to make it to the End space is the winner.