Hawaiian Punch Game - 1978 - Mattel - Great Condition
Essentially, this is a simple childrens' spinner and move racing game. Each player chooses a color, taking a clay pineapple and a plastic "Punchy" figurine or that color. They take turns spinning and moving down the linear path toward the finish line. The twist is that the movement token is actually the piece of clay molded into a pineapple.
Players may land on a color, which gives permission for the opponent of that color to SMASH the player's pineapple with their Punchy. Other squares are "safe" or give further movement instructions. A smashed pineapple may still advance to the finish line, unless it gets too flat. Some squares call for a "Size Check" and if the pineapple (of flat remnant of one) exceeds the borders of the square the player must reverse directions to remold their pineapple at the start. There are also a few squares that allow remolding along the track.