Lucky Shot Game - 1966 - Whitman - Great Condition
If players miss the cups, they can place an additional piece on the board, and on additional turns, players can either flick their winks or roll a die to move their piece on the board. When they land their piece on a color that matches their pieces, they can make another attempt to flick a wink into a cup. If they manage to get their piece to the end of the trail, they place one of their winks into the cup at the end of their trail and take their piece back.
The cups at the end of the trails are worth 25 points each, while the one that can only be reached by the tiddlywinks is worth 50 points. The game ends when one player has all four of his winks in the cups, and players total up the points of all their winks. Whoever has the highest points wins the game.