Mork and Mindy Card Game - 1978 - Milton Bradley - New/Sealed
Mandi's Attic Toys
This is a simple card game very similar to UNO. Standard cards feature a color and the name and picture of a creature from Ork while special cards feature characters from the show. Players are dealt 7 cards and eggs are placed on the table (there is one less egg than the number of players). The rest of the cards form a draw pile and the top card is flipped over onto a discard pile. On their turn, players discard a card which matches the upper card of the discard pile in either name or color. As they discard their card, players must call out the name of the card. If they fail to do so and are challenged by another player, players must draw cards. When a player is penalized, he must call out "Shazbot" and can be penalized again if he fails to do so. If someone plays a Mork Na-No Na-No card, each player must immediately grab a styrofoam egg while shouting "Na-no Na-no!" The player that is not able to grab an egg is penalized and must draw cards.
The first player to get rid of all his cards wins the game.