Mork and Mindy Game - 1979 - Parker Brothers - Great Condition
Mork and Mindy Game - Complete - Great Condition
by Parker Brothers
Category: Board Games
Genre: Family Board Game
Year: 1979
2-4 Players
45 Min Playing Time
Ages: 7+
Meet Mork. He's from Ork, and he's come to Earth to learn all he can about our planet. To win the hearts of Earthlings everywhere, Mork has brought along this crazy Orkan game. In it, you and your opponents move around a special Orkan board doing such out-of-this world things as "splinking" and "grebbling up." All the while, you'll be trying to win coins called Grebbles. But don't panic. Mork and his Earthling friend Mindy will be there to help. So shake hands Orkan style, and begin!