On Assignment with National Geographic - 1990 - New Old Stock

Mandi's Attic Toys


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On Assignment with National Geographic - New Old Stock
Category:  Board Games
Genre:  Family Game
Year:  1990
2-4 Players
60 Min Playing Time
Ages:  8+
   To be the winning photographer by earning the greatest number of points. YOU EARN POINTS BY:
Traveling to your assigned destinations on the Map Board
Being the first to fill your portfolio with the 6 photo cards in your portfolio
Getting rid of photo cards that don't fit your portfolio list, as they count against you at the end of the game
Demonstrating your knowledge of geography by answering continent card questions for tokens
Getting lucky breaks (drawing even chance cards)
This is basically an educational game of trivia about geography, which includes a great number of cards depicting nice NatGeo photos of every country around the world. The use of clues make it suitable for most ages. However, the clues are not easy and young children will struggle to answer the majority of the questions.

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