San Francisco Scene - 1977 - Groovy Games - Great Condition
San Francisco Scene - Complete - Great Condition
by Groovy Games
Category: Board Games
Genre: Family Board Game
Year: 1977
2-6 Players
120 Min Playing Time
Ages: 12+
The excitement of a cable car ride, a shopping spree around Union Square, elegant dining in a famous restaurant, and a tour of the Bay Area's famous landmarks -- all these are a part of the San Francisco Scene.
Have you ever wanted to own Grant Avenue, the Oakland Raiders, Sausalito or Walnut Creek? Now is your chance by playing the San Francisco Scene!
You will by and sell your favorite local properties; become either a labor leader, an attorney, a politician, or a membership chairman of an exclusive club; and bargain with the other players to receive a Connection Card which will permit you to develop your properties and thereby collect increased rent.