Skittle Bowl - 1987 - Coleco - Great Condition

Mandi's Attic Toys


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Skittle Bowl - Complete - Great Condition
by Coleco 
Category:  Board Games
Genre:  Strategy Game
Year:  1987
2 Players
30 Min Playing Time
Ages:  6+

   Skittle Pool is similar to “Skittle Bowl”, however the pins have been replaced by nine 2" billiard balls. The table is approx. 24 inches square with 3 pockets each on the left and right sides. At the bottom of the board is a pendulum device that acts as the striker. The cue ball is placed in a special pivot foot and that foot is rotated to aim the cue ball at a target ball. The striker, a ball similar in size to the cue, is lifted and released (or gently thrown) to strike against the pivot foot which in turn transfers the energy to the cue ball.

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