Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Game - 2003 - Milton Bradley - Great Condition
Mandi's Attic Toys
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Complete - Great/Excellent Condition
by Milton Bradley
Category: Board Games
Genre: Family Board Game
Year: 2003
2-4 Players
60 Min Playing Time
Ages: 6+
Time to apply some Turtle Whacks!
In the heart of the city, a towering skyscraper houses the evil SHREDDER, finalizing his plans to take over the world. Four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles know they must find a way into the skyscraper in order to battle the vicious SHREDDER and stop his plans. But as they make their way through the sewers and along the city streets, they encounter SHREDDER'S henchmen trying to stop them. A ride on the subway can help the Turtles get closer to their goal. A side trip to Baxter Stockman's lab will slow them down. Which Turtle will make it past their enemies and defeat THE SHREDDER? Will it be you?