The Game of Espionage - 1963 - Transogram - Very Good Condition

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The Game of Espionage - Complete - Very Good Condition
by Transogram
Category:  Board Games
Genre:  Family Board Game
Year:  1963
2-4 Players
60 Min Playing Time
Ages:  12+
    Each player is a Secret Agent trying to capture enemy spies by carefully plotting their constantly changing locations. The spies are hidden on the indexed underworld turntable below the playing surface. In turn, Agents make secret investigations with the DetectiMeter, which will register the presence of a hidden spy. Using these readings, each Agent marks his own findings on the plastic plotting chart in his notebook. Players send their turns by reindexing the turntable, which changes the locations of the spies. All Agents must adjust their notebooks accordingly, in order to "shadow" the spies as they move about in the underworld. When an Agent can arrest a spy in the act of committing espionage, he uses the Limousine to pick up the spy and drive him out of hiding. The Agent is rewarded with the point value assigned to the crime where he made his arrest. When all seven spies have been captured, the Agent with the most points is THE WINNER."
The game makes extensive use of magnets. The spy disks contain magnets, and the Detectimeter detects their presence. The Limousine, which is played on the upper board, has a magnet with which it picks up a spy below the board. When the Limousine is brought back to the Agents home base, the spy disk falls out of an opening under the upper board. Cool game!