The Talking, Feeling, And Doing Game - 1998 - Creative Therapeutics - Great Condition

Mandi's Attic Toys


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The Talking, Feeling, And Doing Game - Complete - Great Condition
Category:  Board Games
Genre:  Family Board Game
Year:  1998
2-6 Players
30 Min Playing Time
Ages:  4+
    This game was devised to enable the therapist to learn about the underlying psychological processes of such children, in a way that is non-threatening. It utilizes the vehicle of the standard game--so universally appealing to children--and the elicitation of responses via token reinforcement. The game has proved helpful in shortening the therapeutic process--not only because it provides the therapist with information earlier than he would have otherwise obtained it, but also because it facilitates the child's freeing himself enough to reveal his previously suppressed and repressed thoughts, feelings, and actions. The game can be useful in both individual and group psychotherapy with children. And even the child who will engage in direct discussion, psychoanalytic inquiry, and fantasy play can find it a pleasurable additional psychotherapeutic experience. It is most useful in treatment of children between the ages of four (children younger than that cannot usually play board games) and twelve (the adolescent will often consider the game "babyish").

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