Turning Point Game - 1969 - Mattel - Great Condition
To begin the game, players alternate putting one chip of their color into any of the 4 center holes of the board until all 4 holes are filled. The first player then puts one chip on the board so his chip traps one of his opponent's chips. Trapping is custodial, as in Hnefetafl or Othello/Reversi, in any of the eight directions from the just-placed chip. Once a player traps an opponent's chip, he turns it over to his own color. Players score 1 point for each chip in the new row which has been formed (including the just-played chip and the own-color cap chips). Players may trap multiple chips at once or chips in multiple rows.
Once a double chip is on the board, any row which contains it is worth double (for either player). If there are multiple double chips involved, they're added together before applying the multiplication (thus 3 double chips is sextuple score, 4 double chips is octuple score).
If an opponent turns over a player's stop chip, this prevents the trapped chips in that row from turning over and voids the opponent's score for that row.
The game ends when all holes on the board are filled. At the end of the game, each player adds one point for each chip of his color remaining on the board.
The player with the highest score wins.