Egghead or Chicken Game - 1967 - 3M - Very Good Condition
Egghead or Chicken Game - Complete - Very Good Condition
by 3M
Category: Board Games
Genre: Strategy Game
Year: 1967
2-4 Players
10 Min Playing Time
Ages: 4+
Rare EduPLAYtional 3M game. In this game players draw question cards, answer a question on the card, and then dial in the answer's code on either the magical egghead or chicken dial to see if they are right. One then moves if their answer is correct. And so forth. As boardgame geeks, you've got to love the egghead dial.
According to Guenther Rosenbaum's 3M Website, there were also two 88 card expansion sets made for Egghead or Chicken as well, although these, if extant, must be extremely scarce.