Jenga Truth or Dare Game - 2000 - Milton Bradley - Great Condition

Mandi's Attic Toys

Availability: 1 in stock

Jenga Truth or Dare Game - Complete - Great Condition
by Milton Bradley
Category:  Board Games
Genre:  Family Board Game
Year:  2000
2-8 Players
20 Min Playing Time
Ages:  12+

      Jenga Truth-or-Dare is just the original Jenga (1986) with two-thirds of the blocks colored orange-and-purple and containing "truth-or-consequence"-type questions on them. The remaining third of the blocks are the original color, and can be written on with erasable markers so that players can make up their own "truth-or-dare" questions. The player that pulls the block out of the Jenga tower needs to answer the question or perform a "dare" before he stacks the block on top of the tower.