Battle Cry Game - 1961 - Milton Bradley - Great Condition
Mandi's Attic Toys
Combat is handled by lining pieces up (horizontally or vertically) to face (or flank) an enemy column. You must have battle strength superiority to resolve the battle, and this is done after movement is concluded. Infantry and artillery have combat strength 2, cavalry has combat strength 1. The rear piece then jumps to the other end of the combined columns, and the entire enemy army is removed. To be used, cavalry must have a piece at the front; artillery, if at the rear of your column, eliminates the enemy army without jumping. Artillery cannot attack by itself. Double jumps can happen, if the jumping infantry piece ends up facing a lone cavalry. An open square must exist to jump to, so some map deployments are "safe" --but not against artillery. However, pieces trapped so they cannot move are also removed as if they had lost a battle, so this strategy can backfire.