Candy Land 100 Acre Wood Pooh Edition - 1998 - Milton Bradley - Great Condition
Mandi's Attic Toys
“The Legend of the Lost Candy Castle” is printed inside the box and can be read out loud. The game parts can be stored below it. The game board is colorful and has lots of yummy candy references. You play the game by moving the gingerbread playing pieces on the gameboard spaces that match the colors and pictures of the drawn cards. The object is to be the first player to reach the candy castle. There are specific directions to play. You can play with one color block, two color blocks and picture cards. If you are the first person to reach the last purple space, or move beyond the last purple space, you reach candy castle and have won the game. There are barriers along the way, like the gooey gumdrops, getting lost in the lollipop woods, or stuck in the molasses swamp.