Fish Bait Game - 1965 - Ideal - Good Condition

Mandi's Attic Toys


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Fish Bait Game - Complete - Good Condition
by Ideal
Category:  Board Games
Genre:  Family Board Game
Year:  1965
2-4 Players
15 Min Playing Time
Ages:  6+

    Less complex off-shoot of MOUSE TRAP GAME. Similar mechanics - the contraption is built one piece at a time when the playing pieces (fishermen) land on white squares.

When a player lands on the FISH BAIT square, the piece is removed from the square & placed on a plastic dock and a rubber band is hooked around its legs. If another player lands on the FISH BAIT square the pieces are swapped over and the first player can continue on the board again. When a player lands on the 'CATCH FISH' square, the contraption is launched.

As in MOUSE TRAP, the player with the last remaining piece on the board wins the game.

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