Hugga Bunch Game - 1985 - Parker Brothers - Great Condition
Mandi's Attic Toys
Hugga Bunch Game - Complete - Great Condition
by Parker Brothers
Category: Board Games
Genre: Family Board Game
Year: 1985
2-4 Players
20 Min Playing Time
Ages: 4+
In this children's game, players take a make-believe trip to Huggaland to meet the Hugga Bunch. On your turn, you spin the spinner and advance along the piano key spaces until you land on the key with the color dot that matches the color on the spinner. You then draw a chip of the same color from the center of the board and turn it over. If it's a letter that you need (you're trying to spell "H-U-G-S-O-N-G"), you keep it. If you already have the letter, you give it to another player. Once you've spelled HUGSONG, you move to the Magic Mirror. You spin the spinner, draw a chip of the same color and if you reveal a Hugga Hand chip, you slip "through" the mirror into Huggaland and win the game.