Ms. PAC MAN Game - 1982 - Milton Bradley - Great Condition

Mandi's Attic Toys


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Ms. PAC-MAN Game - Complete - Great Condition
by Milton Bradley
Category:  Board Games
Genre:  Family Board Game
Year:  1982
2-4 Players
20 Min Playing Time
Ages:  7+
    In the Ms. Pac-Man Game, one player takes control of the titular character and the others play as ghosts, taking turns to move in a maze. Ms Pac-Man's goal is to eat the pellets on the board and the ghosts try to capture her.

Moving according to the results of flicking a spinner, Ms Pac-Man gobbles (removes) pellets by moving over them. The ghosts move according to the result of a die roll. They start in their strong state and capture Ms Pac-Man by moving onto her. When a ghost captures Ms Pac-Man, the ghost's player takes control of the titular character and removes his or her ghost from play; the former Ms Pac-Man player puts the ghost of his or her color into play. Ghosts turn weak if an F2 is rolled on their die, or if Ms Pac-Man gobbles a Power Pellet (located at the four corners of the maze). Ms Pac-Man can capture weak ghosts and gain an extra turn by doing so.

The first player to have his or her quadrant clear of pellets wins the game.

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