Pink Panther Game - 1981 - Cadaco - Great Condition
The Pink Panther starts in the inner track and rolls two dice; the players start on the outer track and roll one die. Note that the Pink Panther moves on each player's turn. Whenever the Pink Panther lands on a "Trapped?" space, a die against die check is made, re-rolling ties; if red is higher than white, the Pink Panther escapes. Otherwise the player gets a Pink Panther card.
The players can enter the inner track, triggering "Trapped?" checks as before. The risk, however, is that by landing on an "Escapes?" space, the player may lose a Pink Panther card (this isn't as bad as it sounds, since the space gives a card as often as it takes one). If both the Pink Panther and the player land on an "Escapes?"/"Trapped?" space simultaneously, this is considered an automatic Escape/Capture.
On an "Escapes?" space, if you have two or more Pink Panther cards, you may go for the "Big Chance". This is a die check as above, the stakes being all of your Pink Panther cards against instant victory.