Royale Mastermind Game - 1972 - Invicta Games - Good Condition

Mandi's Attic Toys

Availability: 1 in stock

Royale Mastermind Game - Complete - Good Condition
by Invicta Games
Category:  Board Games
Genre:  Family Board Game
Year:  1972
2 Players
20 Min Playing Time
Ages:  8+

     Royale Mastermind is a variant of Mastermind where two players solve 8 patterns, alternating between being the knower and the guesser. Shapes and colors are guessed independently on each side of the board. The total number of guesses each player requires to solve the color/shape pattern is tallied, the winner being the one to take the fewest guesses. The patterns consist of three elements, each having one of five shapes and one of five colors. A deck of 25 cards is used to establish the pattern, and after each card is used in a puzzle, it is not used again. The corresponding shape/color is also covered on a grid in the center of the board so the players can use this information in future rounds.

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