Wise and Otherwise Game - 1997 - Great Condition
Mandi's Attic Toys
The Reader shuffles the submissions, and then reads each ending aloud for the group. Players must then vote for the ending they think is authentic. A player gets 2 points for each vote that their submission receives, and an additional 2 points if they vote for the correct ending. If no player votes for the real ending then the Reader is awarded 3 points.
Once a player has earned 20 points, the game is over. If there is no winner at the end of a round, then the next player becomes the Reader and this process repeats.
"All the Wit of the World... is Not in One Head"
With 2500 sayings from across the world, creative wordplay and careful use of dialect are just as important in this game as the metaphors that you create.
"The Beginning is... Half the Whole"